Entrepreneurs Are on the Road Less Traveled: Uplifting Quotes for When the Path Feels Lonely

I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted.

Jack Kerouac

As an entrepreneur, I’ve had those moments. I shoot straight up in bed in the middle of the night and think, “Owning my own business is completely ridiculous. And a writing business, of all things! Who am I to think I can do something like that?”

It’s like a nightmare, except I’m awake. And it’s my real life.

Being an entrepreneur or small business owner is so exhilarating and hugely rewarding, isn’t it? But it’s not always easy.

To be successful, you have to do more than simply follow your own path, or take that famous “road less traveled”…

You have to create a road that wasn’t there before, while you’re trying to figure out where you’re going.

And even if you’re blessed to have tons of supporters or business partners, come nightfall, you’re the only one on that road.

That means you’re completely in charge of your workload, client interactions, bookkeeping, marketing, structuring your day…and your ultimate success. And even if you outsource as many of these tasks as possible, there’s one thing that you’re solely responsible for at the end of the day: your mindset.

So when I have what feels like a terrifying moment of clarity in the middle of the night, I’ve made it a priority to get a grip on my mindset and easily remind myself of the truth. Who am I not to do something that I want to do, and that I’m really, really good at? I only have one life, and like everyone else’s, it’s flying by. So today’s the day.

I’ve learned that I can take control and stand ready for when those negative thoughts creep in.

When I was a kid, I could only remember one joke at a time. (I neither confirm nor deny that this is still true.) And these days as an entrepreneur, I tend to hold one motivating, positive thought in my mind at a time that I keep coming back to. When that thought no longer resonates with me, I’ll grab onto another one.

Here are some quotes and thoughts that are in my rotation, that I’m using to guard myself against negativity. Feel free to borrow them AND add your own in the comments.

  • “Before the beginning of brilliance, there must be great chaos. Before a brilliant person begins something great, they must look foolish in the crowd.” — from I Ching written by Fu His

  • “Today is a wonderful day. I have never seen this one before.” — Maya Angelou

  • “Most people never run far enough on the first wind to find out they’ve got a second. Give your dreams all you’ve got, and you’ll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you.” — William James

  • “History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heart-breaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.” — B.C. Forbes

  • “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” — African Proverb

  • “The real voyage consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” — Marcel Proust

What quotes and thoughts inspire you?


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