How to Pull Off Bragging About Your Business

In your everyday life, you probably don’t want to be seen as someone who brags. Even in subtle ways.

But when you’re an online business owner, you need to find a way you feel comfortable with to “brag” about what you can do!

And for a very good reason: the internet is a noisy place and you don’t want your message to get lost out there.

You want your business not only to succeed but to appeal to your dream clients. You want to make it clear you’re a go-to authority in your field.

For some business owners, bragging is part of their brand voice and works great. But many clients tell me they’re uncomfortable with what they see as being overly self-promotional. They worry that what they see as bragging doesn’t fit with their own down-to-earth personality. And they know how important it is to be themselves online so they can connect with their ideal clients.

If you feel this way, are you stuck forever? Will you have to wait for people to notice on their own how great you are? No way! Let’s talk about subtle ways to strut your stuff without sounding like a buffoon. Or worse: sounding ordinary and forgettable.

#1 Write a case study. It’s the perfect way to show what you’re capable of while actually giving kudos to your client, who also really deserves it. You’ll get to display a side of yourself that’s skilled, gracious, encouraging, and cares about your clients even after you’re done working together. And who wouldn’t want to work with someone like that? Let’s say you’re a health coach telling the story of your client’s recent weight-loss success. While you’re shining the spotlight on your client’s own willpower and dedication, you’ll also have to share the details of the methods she used to reach her goal. Methods that you taught her or coached her through. And then you’ll get to talk about your skills. The before-and-after format of the case study speaks directly to the mindset of your potential client, who probably sees herself as the “before” scenario. When she reads your case study, she’ll get a clear view of how you can help her.

#2 Get interviewed. As we know, so many people out there in the online business world are expanding their brands through podcasting and other interview-format media. And they need guests. This is a great thing! When someone else is asking you to explain your business and what you do, it’s a great platform to talk about what you’re capable of and what you’ve accomplished. It’s just your journey, so don’t feel shy about sharing it! Remember to say how excited you are to be living your dream of making a great living, how meaningful it is to teach your methods to your clients and see them succeed, etc. You’re just sharing the details your story…so go for it!

#3 Celebrate your milestones with gratitude. Did you recently get an award or a new coaching credential? Make sure to share how honored you feel. And if it still makes you uncomfortable, you can always list all your awards and milestones when you write the professional portion of your about page in the third person.

#4 Get some testimonials. Other people singing your praises is simply the best! It makes clear what you can really do, the effect it has on people’s lives, and what your future clients can expect when they work with you.

So, are you ready? Use one of these four methods to put your gifts and abilities on full display. Your business has incredible value to offer…it’s time to make sure the world knows about it!


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